Borland Pascal Wiki
Borland Pascal Wiki
This article is part of the Getting Started series

An array (sometimes vector or unidimensional table) is a row of more elements of the same type. Each element has an indice, which can be either an integer number or a character. A matrix (or bidimensional tables) is an array of arrays. This can be useful when dealing with number tables or even string tables. A block o variables (or tridimensional table is a array of arrays of arrays. This is rarely used but may sometimes be useful when defining shapes of 3D-objects.

Pascal allows creation of 4-dimensional, 5-dimensional, 6-dimensional, etc. arrays but they are extremely rarely used.

Defining and using[]

The uni-, bi-, and tri-dimensional tables are defined as it folows:

v: array [min_indice..max_indice] of element_type; {vector}
m: array [min_indice..max_indice,min_indice2..max_indice2] of element_type; {matrix}
b: array [min_indice..max_indice,min_indice2..max_indice2,min_indice3..max_indice3] 
   of element_type;{block}

To access the contents of an element in the table, it will be accesed as it follows:

x:= name_of_the_table[position1,position2,position3,...,positionN];

For example, if we consider an integer vector and want to show the element on the 3rd position, then the script will be as it follows:

var v: array[1..50] of integer;
write (v[3]);

Example script: reading and showing on the screen the contents of a vector[]

var v:array[1..50] of integer;
 writeln ('How many elements will be used?');
 readln (n);
 {reading, using a FOR...DO cycle}
 for i:=1 to n do
 write ('v[',i,']=');
 readln (v[i]);
 {showing on the screen, using another FOR..DO}
 for i:=1 to n do
 write (v[i],' ');

See also[]